What could be more fun than finding so many wonderful books! This past weekend my hubby and I attended the MN homeschool conference and I had fun! Friday night hosts a "used book sale" at which I found a lot (as you can see in the picture)of great picture books, history books and chapter books, as well as finding a few new ones from the vendors present.
Friday afternoon my fellow home school group leader and I moderated a "fire side chat" for other home school support group leaders from across MN (and even a couple from Michigan). We were provided with a great opportunity to support and encourage one another. Later that evening (after shopping, of course) we listened to Fr. Mitch Pacwa speak on the history of marriage and what scripture has to say about this great sacrament.
That night my hubby and I enjoyed having time for ourselves (thanks of course to my mother who came to spend the night with the children). We went to a small, quaint cafe across from where we would be staying for the night. We spent some time talking about summer plans and ideas for the next school year while enjoying dessert. After dinner we were privileged to spend a few minutes talking with Jim Weiss(one of the speakers at the conference) as he was at the same cafe that we were. My children have enjoyed his story telling for a while now and it was a pleasure talking with him.
Saturday was filled with vendor booths to visit, curriculum books to order and workshops. The first workshop hubby and I went to was presented by Jim Weiss. He filled us in on some history of G.K. Chesterton (one of my favorite catholic writers) and then told us one of Chesterton's Fr. Brown mysteries. Very enjoyable way to start the day!
After lunch John and Anne Bielejeski encouraged us with words of wisdom for living out our sacrament of marriage in the midst of parenting, homeschooling, and working.
The third and final workshop I attended was a panel discussion on the realities of living a homeschooling lifestyle. I was actually one of the panelists. It was a privilege to be part of this panel as we shared our struggles and successes, laughter and tears, in the hope of encouraging others. We had a very good time together.
All in all, this conference was one of my favorites (and I have been attending them annually for quite a few years). I feel refreshed and strengthened in my vocation as a wife, lived out through sharing this homeschool journey with my hubby and children. I am so thankful to the Lord for placing us on this path; and I am so grateful that He walks along beside us strengthening us in our weaknesses and filling in so many of the gaps our human frailty leaves behind.
Hi Kristina,
It was so nice to meet you, too!! And we have a couple of friends in common (Anne and Sue D.)... so hopefully I'll meet up with you again!
Oh, and do tell...what cafe did you go to? Mr. Dreamy and I love to go to new restaurants!
I'm so glad it was the refresher you needed. I look forward to hearing some of your wisdom!
isn't it a gift to go to conferences?! That motivation carries us a long way into the school year! Sounds like it was a nice time for both of you!
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