Home School Graduation
Tuesday evening was the graduation ceremony for our parish home schoolers. We had 15 graduates this year (One student joined the military and was unable to be present.) The evening included a guest speaker chosen by the students, a speech written as a group and presented by two of the students, and a video presentation highlighting each student with childhood photos and a prerecorded description of their accomplishments, interests and plans for the future. Then each student was introduced along with the name of their home school and presented with a diploma given to them by their parents. Followed by a special blessing given by our parish priest. What a joy to see and what encouragement is was for all of us home schooling parents who have yet to journey through those high school years. The evening was evident that the journey of home schooling is filled with such sweet rewards. It was clearly seen in the eyes of each parent as they so proudly stood with their graduating student.
Very nice, Kristina! What a lovely parish you belong to that would honor these children. Where did they get their robes and mortar boards from, I wonder?
Wonderful Kristina! Yes, indeed, what a wonderful parish that gives so much love and attention to homeschooling.
Congratulations to the students and their parents on a tremendous accomplishment. AMDG!
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